Make a big move

Build your team from anywhere
Build your FUTURE & Career IN ALBERTA

Welcome to your first step towards a big move!

With a breathtaking landscape, rich culture, affordable living and an enduring love for animals, Alberta is calling veterinary professionals. Make a big move to achieve dreams, build families and lead fulfilling careers in our province.

Make A Big Move, is an initiative of the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association (ABVMA) to help Veterinary Practice Entities (VPEs) in Alberta hire from anywhere, and qualified internationally trained veterinary professionals gain access to veterinary jobs in Alberta, live and work in the province.


Post jobs and vacancies here to hire the best veterinary talents from anywhere.
Find important information to help you hire internationally trained veterinary talents.

Job Seeker

Find and apply for available veterinary vacancies in Alberta from wherever you are.
We have curated important resources here to ease your immigration and veterinary practice licensing processes.

Discover why Alberta is the best place to live, work and build your family.

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Funded by:

The Province of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada to provide employment support programs and services.